February 1, 2025 / News
Hello All,
We have just reopened after a short winter’s nap and we’re looking forward to seeing you again!
We wanted to let you know that from February 1-28, we will be hosting digital artwork by Allen Hirsh, a mathematician/biophysicist by profession who has used the tools of his trade to construct fascinating pictures from ordinary photographs made around Links Bridge Vineyards. Hirsh has created a massive mathematical program that manipulates both the color and position of each pixel in the photograph, and weird and wonderful scenes result when the transformed pixels are reassembled into a new image. You will like them!

Riverside Vineyard © Allen Hirsh
Hirsh lives and works in Chevy Chase, Maryland. He received his BS in Biology from Cal Tech and his Ph.D. in Plant Physiology at the University of Maryland at College Park. Inspired by the power of mathematics in the sciences, he has crafted a new form of mathematical art. He has been juried into over 90 shows and has won twelve awards. He is a member of The Foundry, the Chevy Chase Artists Group, the Capitol ill Arts League, and the Maryland Federation of Art. He is a juried member of the National Association of Digital Artists and of the Cape Cod Art Center in Barnstable, Massachusetts. To view more of his work, and learn about his conception of mathematical art, see his The Abstract Gardener and AllenHirshArtist websites.

Advance of the City©Allen Hirsh
Reception: If you come by the Links Bridge tasting room on Saturday February 8 between 2 and 4 pm, you’ll find Allen on hand to talk about his work and demonstrate his novel methods. He will bring his computer and make additional Links Bridge images while people watch. You’ll see the computer rapidly process millions of pixels, producing images that are surprising and often stunningly beautiful, revealing a hidden world of fascinating and unanticipated scenes.
We hope you’ll come by, either for the reception or just to see these pictures!
Bob & Joan
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January 24, 2025 / News
A Maryland Wine Experience

Hello all,
We hope you’re enjoying this unusual winter, our first chance to build a snow-person in quite a few years! Hopefully the winter will change to something spring-like before we reach the long weekend of March 21-23, as that is the time for the annual Maryland Wine Experience.
This year the Master Classes and Grand Tasting that form the Saturday nucleus of the Wine Experience take place at Frederick’s fantastic new Visitation Hotel and at the nearby Tenth Ward Distilling Company. Surrounding events include a Friday night tour of downtown Frederick craft beverage makers, a Saturday night wine dinner at The Ordinary Hen, and a Sunday brunch at Simple Theory Wine Company.
For a detailed description of the Maryland Wine Experience, and for tickets, look here!
Enjoy the snow!
Bob & Joan
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November 28, 2024 / News
Hello all,
In this email, we’d like to let you know about two things:
1. Our Winter Schedule
As we do every year, we will be closing soon for our “winter vacation.” Our last day open will be Sunday, December 15. We will reopen a month and a half later, on Saturday February 1. In between these dates, we’ll also be open by appointment, provided that we can find a time that fits your schedule and ours.
2. Our Final “Year in Review” Art Exhibit
Over the past year we have hosted 13 different exhibits of paintings, photographs, and other work by local artists, each lasting about three weeks. During each exhibit we have encouraged our customers and staff to vote for the best picture. For our 14th and final exhibit of the year, we have asked the artists involved to bring their most popular picture back to us for an encore showing. These pictures will be hanging on our walls for our last three open weekends this year (November 30-December 1, December 8-9 , and December 7-8, and December 14-15). This “Year in Review” exhibit will provide a kaleidescope of different subjects, media and styles, truly a feast for the eyes. We hope you’ll find a chance to come by and see which pictures were most popular (and of course, enjoy some wine in the process!).
Times: Available to view in the Links Bridge Tasting Room from November 30 through December 15. Open weekends, 11 am to 6 pm and other days by appointment (Call 301-466-2413).
Best wishes for the holiday season!
Bob & Joan
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November 7, 2024 / News
Hello all,
From November 9-24, Links Bridge Vineyards will be hosting an exhibit of oil paintings by Galina Kolosovskaya of Silver Spring Maryland. Kolosovskaya executes masterly paintings in styles that range from old world classic still life to modern mixed media. Her skill is phenomenal and her works are beautiful and inspiring.

Still Life with Tulips © Galina Kolosovskaya
Born in Russia, Kolosovskaya is best known for her paintings of flowers and birds. After graduating in fine arts, she was an active member of the remarkable arts community in Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East. She served as artistic director for the Wildlife Foundation, premier environmental organization working for the survival of the Siberian tiger and conservation of Russian flora and fauna.

Moon Butterfly © Galina Kolosovskaya
Her work has been shown at numerous exhibits in the Russian Far East, and may be found in private collections in Russia, Japan, France, Germany, Canada and the USA. After moving to the United States in 2003, she has continued her delicate still life paintings, and her newer interest in the birds found here in Maryland. Her works have been shown in exhibits in Silver Spring, Bethesda, Chevy Chase and other cities in Maryland. She is a member of Montgomery Art Association and Art League of Ocean City.
Kolosovskaya’s paintings are available to view in the Links Bridge Tasting Room from November 9 through Nov 29. Open weekends, 11 am to 6 pm and other days by appointment (Call 301-466-2413).
Meet the Artist!
On Sunday, November 10 Kolosovskaya will be here at the Links Bridge Tasting Room from 1-3pm to chat informally with guests. Light refreshments will be served, and wine is available for purchase.
We hope you’ll come by sometime during this three-weekend exhibit to take a look at these fantastic pictures!
Joan & Bob
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October 18, 2024 / News
Hello all!
As a part of our continuing “Wine and Art series”, Links Bridge Vineyards will host an exhibit of Watercolors by Chris Carr (1969—2018) in our tasting room from October 19 through November 3. The exhibit is open Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 6pm and by appointment on the weekdays.
Chris Carr’s art legacy lives on through continued art shows and festivals, gallery showings and sales of prints, but also through The Chris Carr Fine Arts and Graphic Design Scholarship established through Frederick Community College Foundation. All proceeds from sales of Chris’s work from this exhibit go directly to this wonderful scholarship to help deserving art students hone their craft.

Chris Carr with “Winter Church”
©Chris Carr Watercolors LLC
A Frederick Maryland native, Chris Carr learned much of his craft while a student at Gov.
Thomas Johnson High School. It was there he first met and became a student of the renowned watercolor painter Barry Richardson. After years of working as a graphic designer for newspapers, including The Frederick News Post and The Washington Post, Chris began focusing more on his painting skills. With each new painting, he further developed his talent at creating photo-like watercolor images through meticulous attention to detail. Focusing on images of days gone by, including historic buildings and structures, town scenes, churches, old cars, trucks, and tractors. Chris’s realistic depictions, which could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months to complete, draw attention at art festivals and galleries all over the region. His works are in private collections and businesses across the country.

Created by Michelle Carr.
As you take a tour around the tasting room to view Chris’s pictures, you’ll also see paper flower creations by Michelle Carr. Michelle is Chris’s sister and an accomplished artist in her own right. These flowers and other creations will amaze you with their realism and beauty.
A reception will be held in the Links Bridge tasting room on Saturday, October 19 from 1-4pm. Present to greet visitors will be Dee Carr, Chris Carr’s mother, and sister Michelle Carr, creator of the paper flowers on exhibit. Light refreshments will be served, and wine is available for purchase.
Y’all come!
Joan & Bob
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September 25, 2024 / News
A Real Fall Highlight: Brookfield Farms Pumpkin Patch!
Hey all,
One of the great things that happens in our neighborhood at this time of year: Sam and Mary Jane Roop open the Brookfield Farms Pumpkin Patch to the public for a fall celebration.
Brookfield offers hayrides to their 15 acre Pumpkin Patch (where you can pick your own pumpkin), a corn maze (whose proceeds are donated to charities), a farm animal petting zoo, and other activities to entertain your children. It’s a great experience and an opportunity to purchase the perfect pumpkin for Halloween!
So on your way to Links Bridge Vineyards, stop at Brookfield and enjoy a special family adventure that has become a tradition in our area.

You’ll find Brookfield Farms at 8302 Ramsburg Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788, just up the road from Links Bridge. The Pumpkin Patch is open September 28 through Oct 31. Mon-Thurs 3pm-6pm. Fri-Sun 10am-6pm. Visit www.BrookfieldPumpkins.com for more information.
Best wishes for a great October!
Bob & Joan
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